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CELEX:62020CJ0281:           Arrêt de la Cour (cinquième chambre) du 11 novembre 2021.#Ferimet SL contre Administración General del Estado.#Renvoi préjudiciel – Fiscalité – Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA) – Directive 2006/112/CE – Article 168 – Droit à déduction – Article 199 – Régime de l’autoliquidation – Principe de neutralité fiscale – Conditions matérielles du droit à déduction – Qualité d’assujetti du fournisseur – Charge de la preuve – Fraude – Pratique abusive – Facture mentionnant un fournisseur fictif.#Affaire C-281/20.
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CELEX:62020CO0688: Order of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 29 October 2021.#HG and TC v Ubezpieczeniowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy w Opatowie.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles – Directive 2009/103/EC – Article 3, first paragraph – Obligation to take out a contract of insurance – Scope – Unroadworthy vehicle, not registered and officially withdrawn from use.#Case C-688/20.
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CELEX:62020CJ0091: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 9 November 2021.#LW v Bundesrepublik Deutschland.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesverwaltungsgericht.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common policy on asylum and subsidiary protection – Standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection – Directive 2011/95/EU – Articles 3 and 23 – More favourable standards capable of being retained or introduced by the Member States for the purposes of extending the refugee or subsidiary protection status of a beneficiary of international protection to family members – Grant of a parent’s refugee status to his or her minor child as a derived right – Maintaining family unity – Best interests of the child.#Case C-91/20.
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CELEX:62020TJ0678: Judgment of the General Court (Eighth Chamber) of 10 November 2021.#Solar Electric Holding and Others v European Commission.#State aid – Market for electricity produced from renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic energy – Obligation under French law to purchase electricity at a price higher than the market price – Rejection of a complaint – Article 12(1) and Article 24(2) Regulation (EU) 2015/1589 – Scope.#Case T-678/20.
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CELEX:62019TJ0495:           Urteil des Gerichts (Zehnte Kammer) vom 10. November 2021.#Rumänien gegen Europäische Kommission.#Institutionelles Recht – Europäische Bürgerinitiative – Kohäsionspolitik – Regionen mit einer nationalen Minderheit – Beschluss über die Registrierung – Nichtigkeitsklage – Anfechtbare Handlung – Zulässigkeit – Art. 4 Abs. 2 Buchst. b der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 211/2011 – Begründungspflicht.#Rechtssache T-495/19.
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CELEX:62020TJ0678:           Arrêt du Tribunal (huitième chambre) du 10 novembre 2021.#Solar Electric Holding e.a. contre Commission européenne.#Aides d’État – Marché de l’électricité produite à partir de sources d’énergie renouvelables, incluant l’énergie photovoltaïque – Obligation d’achat par la loi française de l’électricité à un prix supérieur au prix du marché – Rejet d’une plainte – Article 12, paragraphe 1, et article 24, paragraphe 2, du règlement (UE) 2015/1589 – Champ d’application.#Affaire T-678/20.
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CELEX:62020TJ0193: Judgment of the General Court (Tenth Chamber) of 10 November 2021.#Eternit v European Union Intellectual Property Office.#Community design – Invalidity proceedings – Community design representing a building panel – Earlier design representing a panel for a noise-reduction wall – Ground for invalidity – No individual character – Sector concerned – Informed user – Degree of freedom of the designer – No different overall impression – Relevance of goods actually marketed – Article 6 and Article 25(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002.#Case T-193/20.
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CELEX:62020TJ0443: Judgment of the General Court (Fifth Chamber) of 10 November 2021 (Extracts).#Sanford LP v European Union Intellectual Property Office.#Community design – Invalidity proceedings – Registered Community design representing a label – Earlier design – Proof of disclosure – Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 – Evidence submitted after the expiry of the prescribed time limit – Board of Appeal’s discretion – Article 63(2) of Regulation No 6/2002 – Ground for invalidity – No individual character – Article 6 and Article 25(1)(b) of Regulation No 6/2002.#Case T-443/20.
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CELEX:62015TJ0602:           Arrêt du Tribunal (deuxième chambre élargie) du 10 novembre 2021.#Liam Jenkinson contre Conseil de l’Union européenne e.a.#Clause compromissoire – Personnel civil international des missions internationales de l’Union européenne – Recrutement sur une base contractuelle – Contrats d’engagement à durée déterminée successifs – Demande de requalification de l’ensemble des relations contractuelles en contrat à durée indéterminée – Recours en responsabilité contractuelle – Recours en responsabilité non contractuelle.#Affaire T-602/15 RENV.
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CELEX:62019TJ0495:           Arrêt du Tribunal (dixième chambre) du 10 novembre 2021.#Roumanie contre Commission européenne.#Droit institutionnel – Initiative citoyenne européenne – Politique de cohésion – Régions à minorité nationale – Décision d’enregistrement – Recours en annulation – Acte susceptible de recours – Recevabilité – Article 4, paragraphe 2, sous b), du règlement (UE) no 211/2011 – Obligation de motivation.#Affaire T-495/19.
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