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CELEX:62020CA0156: Case C-156/20: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom — United Kingdom) — Zipvit Ltd v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Common system of value added tax (VAT) — Directive 2006/112/EC — Article 168 — Right of deduction — Supply of postal services mistakenly exempted — VAT deemed to be included in the commercial price of the supply for the purpose of exercising the right of deduction — Not included — Concept of VAT ‘due or paid’)
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CELEX:62020CA0110: Case C-110/20: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato — Italy) — Regione Puglia v Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare and Others (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Energy — Directive 94/22/EC — Conditions for granting and using authorisations for the prospection, exploration and production of hydrocarbons — Authorisation for the prospection of hydrocarbons in a specific geographical area for a specified period — Contiguous areas — Grant of several authorisations to the same operator — Directive 2011/92/EU — Article 4(2) and (3) — Environmental impact assessment)
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CELEX:62019CA0881: Case C-881/19: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Krajský soud v Brně — Czech Republic) — Tesco Stores ČR a.s. v Ministerstvo zemědělství (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Consumer protection — Approximation of the laws — Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 — Point 2(a) of Part E of Annex VII — Provision of food information to consumers — Labelling and presentation of foodstuffs — Directive 2000/36/EC — Point 2(c) of Part A of Annex I — Cocoa and chocolate products — List of ingredients of a food intended for consumers in a Member State)
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CELEX:62020CA0055: Case C-55/20: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Dyscyplinarny Izby Adwokackiej w Warszawie — Poland) — Proceedings initiated by the Minister Sprawiedliwości (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Admissibility — Article 267 TFEU — Definition of ‘court or tribunal of a Member State’ — Bar Association Disciplinary Court — Disciplinary investigation initiated against a lawyer — Decision of the Disciplinary Agent finding that there was no disciplinary offence and terminating the investigation — Appeal by the Minister for Justice to the Bar Association Disciplinary Court — Directive 2006/123/EC — Services in the internal market — Article 4, point (6), and Article 10(6) — Authorisation scheme — Withdrawal of authorisation — Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Not applicable)
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CELEX:62019CA0377: Case C-377/19: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato — Italy) — Benedetti Pietro e Angelo Ss and Others v Agenzia per le Erogazioni in Agricoltura (AGEA) (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Milk and milk products sector — Quotas — Additional levy — Regulation (EC) No 1788/2003 — Deliveries exceeding the producer’s available reference quantity — Collection of the contribution to the excess levy by the purchaser — Refund of levies overpaid — Regulation (EC) No 595/2004 — Article 16 — Criteria for redistributing the excess levy)
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CELEX:62019CA0177: Joined Cases C-177/19 P to C-179/19 P: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 13 January 2022 — Federal Republic of Germany v Ville de Paris (France), Ville de Bruxelles (Belgium), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Spain), European Commission (C-177/19 P), Hungary v Ville de Paris (France), Ville de Bruxelles (Belgium), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Spain), European Commission (C-178/19 P), European Commission v Ville de Paris (France), Ville de Bruxelles (Belgium), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (Spain) (C-179/19 P) (Appeal — Action for annulment — Environment — Type approval of motor vehicles — Regulation (EU) 2016/646 — Emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 6) — Setting of the not-to-exceed (NTE) values for emissions of oxides of nitrogen during the real driving emission (RDE) tests — Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU — Admissibility of an action — Infra-State entity with powers in the field of environmental protection to limit the circulation of certain vehicles — Condition that the applicant must be directly concerned)
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CELEX:62019CA0282: Case C-282/19: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 13 January 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Napoli — Italy) — YT and Others v Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca — MIUR, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Campania (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Social policy — Directive 1999/70/EC — Framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP — Clauses 4 and 5 — Fixed-term employment contracts in the public sector — Catholic religious education teachers — Concept of ‘objective reasons’ justifying the renewal of such contracts — Permanent need for replacement staff)
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CELEX:62020CJ0634: Sodba Sodišča (šesti senat) z dne 3. marca 2022.#Postopek na predlog A.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Korkein hallinto-oikeus.#Predhodno odločanje – Priznavanje poklicnih kvalifikacij – Direktiva 2005/36/ES – Področje uporabe – Pogoji za pridobitev pravice do samostojnega opravljanja zdravniškega poklica v državi članici gostiteljici – Diploma, izdana v državi članici izvora – Omejitev pravice do opravljanja zdravniškega poklica na triletno obdobje – Nadzor pooblaščenega zdravnika in sočasno spremljanje triletnega specializiranega usposabljanja iz splošne medicine – Člena 45 in 49 PDEU.#Zadeva C-634/20.
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CELEX:62020CJ0634: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 3 March 2022.#Proceedings brought by A.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Recognition of professional qualifications – Directive 2005/36/EC – Scope – Conditions for obtaining authorisation to pursue the profession of doctor independently in the host Member State – Diploma issued in the home Member State – Right to pursue the profession of doctor limited to a period of three years – Supervision of a licensed doctor and concomitant completion of three years of special training in general medical practice – Articles 45 and 49 TFEU.#Case C-634/20.
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