Prikaz vseh zadetkov portala ZDSS.....

CELEX:62021CB0460: Zadeva C-460/21: Sklep Sodišča (osmi senat) z dne 7. februarja 2022 (predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe Tribunal Arbitral Tributário (Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa – CAAD) – Portugalska) – Vapo Atlantic SA/Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Predhodno odločanje – Člen 99 Poslovnika Sodišča – Trošarine – Direktiva 2008/118/ES – Člen 1(2) – Pobiranje drugih posrednih davkov za posebne namene – „Posebni nameni“ – Pojem – Financiranje javnega podjetja, ki je koncesionar nacionalnega cestnega omrežja – Cilja zmanjšanja količine nesreč in okoljske trajnosti – Povsem proračunski namen – Zavrnitev vračila davka zaradi neupravičene obogatitve – Pogoji)
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CELEX:62021CB0460: Case C-460/21: Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 7 February 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Arbitral Tributário (Centro de Arbitragem Administrativa — CAAD) — Portugal) — Vapo Atlantic SA v Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court — Excise duties — Directive 2008/118/EC — Article 1(2) — Levying, for specific purposes, of other indirect taxes — ‘Specific purposes’ — Definition — Financing of a public undertaking holding the concession contract in respect of the national road network — Objectives of environmental sustainability and reducing accidents — Purely budgetary purpose — Refusal to reimburse a tax based on unjust enrichment — Conditions)
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CELEX:62021CB0191: Case C-191/21: Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 10 February 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour administrative d’appel de Lyon — France) — Ministre de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance v Les Anges d’Eux SARL, Echo 5 SARL, Cletimmo SAS (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice — Common system of value added tax (VAT) — Directive 2006/112/EC — Article 392 — Margin taxation scheme — Scope — Supply of buildings and building land purchased for the purpose of resale — Taxable person for whom the VAT on the purchase of buildings was not deductible — Resale subject to VAT — Concept of ‘building land’)
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