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CELEX:62021CJ0595: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 1 December 2022.#LSI – Germany GmbH v Freistaat Bayern.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bayerisches Verwaltungsgericht Ansbach.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consumer protection – Provision of food information to consumers – Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 – Article 17 and point 4 of Part A of Annex VI – ‘Name of the food’ – ‘Name of the product’ – Mandatory particulars in food labelling – Component or ingredient used for the partial or whole substitution of the component or ingredient which consumers expect to see normally used or present in a food.#Case C-595/21.
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CELEX:62022CO0577:           Ordonnance de la Cour (chambre d’admission des pourvois) du 29 novembre 2022.#Munich SL contre Office de l’Union européenne pour la propriété intellectuelle (EUIPO).#Pourvoi – Marque de l’Union européenne – Admission des pourvois – Article 170 ter du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Demande ne démontrant pas l’importance d’une question pour l’unité, la cohérence ou le développement du droit de l’Union – Non-admission du pourvoi.#Affaire C-577/22 P.
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CELEX:62021CJ0419: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 1 December 2022.#X sp. z o.o., sp. k. v Z.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy w Warszawie.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Directive 2011/7/EU – Combating late payment in commercial transactions – Article 2(1) – Concept of ‘commercial transactions’ – Compensation for recovery costs incurred by the creditor due to late payment by the debtor – Article 6 – Fixed minimum sum of EUR 40 – Several late payments for supplies of goods or services under a single contract.#Case C-419/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0564: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 1 December 2022.#BU v Bundesrepublik Deutschland.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Fundamental rights – Right to an effective remedy – Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – Asylum policy – Directive 2013/32/EU – Article 11(1), Article 23(1) and Article 46(1) and (3) – Access to information in the applicant’s file – Completeness of the file – Metadata – Communication of that file in the form of individual unstructured electronic files – Information in writing – Digitised copy of the decision with a handwritten signature – Keeping of the electronic file without archiving a paper file.#Case C-564/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0409: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 1 December 2022.#DELID v Izpalnitelen direktor na Darzhaven fond „Zemedelie“.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Varhoven administrativen sad.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common agricultural policy (CAP) – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) funding – Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 – Investment support – National legislation making the grant of the support conditional upon the person applying for support submitting a certificate of registration of a livestock facility in that person’s name and showing that, on the date of submission of the application, the output of that person’s agricultural holding is equivalent to at least EUR 8 000.#Case C-409/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0564: Sodba Sodišča (deseti senat) z dne 1. decembra 2022.#BU proti Bundesrepublik Deutschland.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden.#Predhodno odločanje – Temeljne pravice – Pravica do učinkovitega pravnega sredstva – Člen 47 Listine Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah – Azilna politika – Direktiva 2013/32/EU – Člen 11(1), člen 23(1) ter člen 46(1) in (3) – Dostop do informacij iz prosilčevega spisa – Celoten spis – Metapodatki – Posredovanje tega spisa v obliki posameznih nestrukturiranih elektronskih datotek – Pisno obveščanje – Digitalizirana kopija odločbe z lastnoročnim podpisom – Vodenje elektronskega spisa brez arhiviranja papirnega spisa.#Zadeva C-564/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0512: Sodba Sodišča (deseti senat) z dne 1. decembra 2022.#Aquila Part Prod Com S.A proti Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Fellebbviteli Igazgatósága.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Fővárosi Törvényszék.#Predhodno odločanje – Obdavčenje – Skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost (DDV) – Direktiva 2006/112/ES – Člen 168 – Pravica do odbitka DDV – Načela davčne nevtralnosti, učinkovitosti in sorazmernosti – Goljufija – Dokaz – Obveznost skrbnega ravnanja davčnega zavezanca – Upoštevanje kršitve obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz nacionalnih določb in določb prava Unije glede varnosti prehranjevalne verige – Naročilo, ki ga davčni zavezanec da tretjemu za opravljanje obdavčenih transakcij – Listina Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah – Člen 47 – Pravica do poštenega sojenja.#Zadeva C-512/21.
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