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UPRS Sodba II U 558/2019-12
Stališče tožene stranke, da neupoštevanje dodatnega besedila „pri opravljanju državnih funkcij“ iz točke a) prvega odstavka 19. člena Konvencije med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Avstrijo o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja v zvezi z davki na dohodek in premoženje v slovenski verziji nima neposrednega vpliva na razlago vsebine tega odstavka, je materialnopravno napačno.
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CELEX:62016CJ0546: Sodba Sodišča (četrti senat) z dne 20. septembra 2018.#Montte SL proti Musikene.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložil Órgano Administrativo de Recursos Contractuales de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi.#Predhodno odločanje – Člen 267 PDEU – Pristojnost Sodišča – Status predložitvenega organa kot sodišča – Direktiva 2014/24/EU – Postopki oddaje javnih naročil – Odprti postopek – Merila za oddajo – Tehnična ocena – Najnižja točkovna vrednost – Ocena na podlagi cene.#Zadeva C-546/16.
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CELEX:62022CO0204:           Ordonnance de la Cour (neuvième chambre) du 22 décembre 2022.##Renvoi préjudiciel – Article 53, paragraphe 2, du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Article 267 TFUE – Notion de “juridiction” – Critères structurels et fonctionnels – Exercice de fonctions juridictionnelles ou administratives – Obligation de coopération de l’organisme de renvoi – Directives 89/665/CEE et 2014/24/UE – Marchés publics – Organisme national de contrôle des procédures de passation des marchés publics – Habilitation à agir d’office – Pouvoir de sanction – Décisions susceptibles de faire l’objet d’un recours juridictionnel – Absence de litige devant l’organisme de renvoi – Irrecevabilité manifeste de la demande de décision préjudicielle.#Affaire C-204/22.
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CELEX:62020CJ0714: Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 12 May 2022.#U.I. Srl v Agenzia delle Dogane e dei monopoli– Ufficio delle dogane di Venezia.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Customs union – Value added tax (VAT) – Directive 2006/112/EC – Article 201 – Persons liable to pay VAT – Import VAT – Union Customs Code – Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 – Article 77(3) – Joint and several liability of the indirect customs representative and the importing company – Customs duties.#Case C-714/20.
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CELEX:62021CJ0148: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 22 December 2022.#Christian Louboutin v Amazon Europe Core Sàrl and Others.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – EU trade mark – Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 – Article 9(2)(a) – Rights conferred by an EU trade mark – Concept of ‘use’ – Operator of an online sales website incorporating an online marketplace – Advertisements published on that marketplace by third-party sellers using, in those advertisements, a sign which is identical with a trade mark of another person for goods which are identical with those for which that trade mark is registered – Perception of that sign as forming an integral part of the commercial communication of that operator – Method of presenting the advertisements which does not make it possible to distinguish clearly the offerings of that operator from those of the third-party sellers.#Joined Cases C-148/21 and C-184/21.
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