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CELEX:62021CJ0688: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 7 February 2023.#Confédération paysanne and Others v Premier ministre and Ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Environment – Deliberate release of genetically modified organisms – Directive 2001/18/EC – Article 3(1) – Point 1 of Annex I B – Scope – Exemptions – Techniques/methods of genetic modification which have conventionally been used and have a long safety record – In vitro random mutagenesis.#Case C-688/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0676: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 2 February 2023.#Proceedings brought by A.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Korkein hallinto-oikeus.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Internal taxation – Article 110 TFEU – Motor vehicles – Tax on vehicles – Second-hand vehicles imported from other Member States – Second-hand vehicles exported to other Member States – Refund of that tax on export – Restriction on that refund to vehicles which were put into circulation less than ten years ago.#Case C-676/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0806: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 2 February 2023.#Criminal proceedings against TF.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Drug precursors – Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA – Article 2(1)(d) – Person involved in the transport and distribution of precursors used for the illicit production or manufacture of drugs – Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 – Scheduled substances – Article 2 – Concept of ‘operator’ – Article 8(1) – Circumstances suggesting that scheduled substances might be diverted for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances – Obligation to notify those circumstances – Concept of ‘circumstance’ – Scope.#Case C-806/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0208: Judgment of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 2 February 2023.#K.D. v Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Ż S.A.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy-Woli w Warszawie.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consumer protection – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Article 5 – Obligation to draft contractual clauses in plain intelligible language – Directive 2005/29/EC – Unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices – Article 3 – Scope – Article 7 – Misleading omission – Article 13 – Penalties – ‘Unit-linked’ life assurance contracts linked to investment funds – Information on the nature and structure of the assurance product and the risks associated with that product – Misleading standard contracts – Entity that is responsible – Legal consequences.#Case C-208/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0676: Sodba Sodišča (osmi senat) z dne 2. februarja 2023.#Postopek na predlog A.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Korkein hallinto-oikeus.#Predhodno odločanje – Notranji davki – Člen 110 PDEU – Motorna vozila – Davek na motorna vozila – Rabljena vozila, uvožena iz drugih držav članic – Rabljena vozila, izvožena v druge države članice – Vračilo tega davka ob izvozu – Omejitev tega vračila na vozila, ki so bila dana v promet pred manj kot 10 leti.#Zadeva C-676/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0372: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 2 February 2023.#Freikirche der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten in Deutschland KdöR v Bildungsdirektion für Vorarlberg.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Status under EU law of churches and religious associations or communities in the Member States – Article 17(1) TFEU – Freedom of establishment – Article 49 TFEU – Restrictions – Justification – Proportionality – Subsidies for a private school – Application submitted by a religious society established in another Member State – Establishment recognised by that society as a denominational school.#Case C-372/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0555: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 9 February 2023.#UniCredit Bank Austria AG v Verein für Konsumenteninformation.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Consumer protection – Directive 2014/17/EU – Credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property – Article 25(1) – Early repayment – Consumer’s right to a reduction in the total cost of the credit, consisting of the interest and the costs for the remaining duration of the contract – Article 4(13) – Concept of ‘total cost of the credit to the consumer’ – Costs that are independent of the duration of the agreement.#Case C-555/21.
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CELEX:62022CJ0053: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 9 February 2023.#VZ v CA.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Review procedures in respect of the award of public supply and public works contracts – Directive 89/665/EEC – Article 1(3) – Interest in bringing proceedings – Access to the review procedures – Grave professional misconduct on account of an anticompetitive agreement – Other operator definitively excluded from participating in the procurement procedure concerned due to failure to meet the minimum requirements.#Case C-53/22.
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