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CELEX:62021CJ0565:           Urteil des Gerichtshofs (Vierte Kammer) vom 16. März 2023.#Caixabank SA gegen X.#Vorlage zur Vorabentscheidung – Verbraucherschutz – Richtlinie 93/13/EWG – Art. 3, 4 und 5 – Verbraucherverträge – Hypothekendarlehen – Missbräuchliche Klauseln – Klausel über die Provision für die Bereitstellung des Darlehens – Klage auf Nichtigerklärung dieser Klausel und Rückzahlung des insoweit gezahlten Betrags – Klarheit und Verständlichkeit der Klauseln – Vorliegen spezifischer nationaler Rechtsvorschriften.#Rechtssache C-565/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0522: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 16 March 2023.#MS v Saatgut-Treuhandverwaltungs GmbH.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Intellectual property – Protection of plant varieties – Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 – Derogation provided for in Article 14(3) – Article 94(2) – Infringement – Right to compensation – Regulation (EC) No 1768/95 – Article 18(2) – Compensation for damage – Minimum lump sum calculated on the basis of quadruple the licence fee – Competence of the European Commission – Invalidity.#Case C-522/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0449: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 16 March 2023.#Towercast v Autorité de la concurrence and Ministère de l’Économie.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Competition – Control of concentrations between undertakings – Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 – Article 21(1) – Exclusive application of that regulation to operations covered by the concept of ‘concentration’ – Scope – Concentration operation which has no Community dimension, is below the thresholds for mandatory ex ante control laid down in the law of a Member State and has not been referred to the European Commission – Control of such an operation by the competition authorities of that Member State in the light of Article 102 TFEU – Whether permissible.#Case C-449/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0351: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 16 March 2023.#ZG v Beobank SA.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Harmonisation of laws – Payment services in the internal market – Directive 2007/64/EC – Article 47(1)(a) – Information for the payer after receipt of the payment order – Articles 58, 60 and 61 – Payment service provider’s liability for unauthorised transactions – Obligation of that service provider to refund unauthorised transactions to the payer – Framework contracts – Obligation of that service provider to provide that payer with information relating to the payee concerned.#Case C-351/21.
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Ekvador – digitalni podpis potrdila o ulovu in izjave predelovalnega obrata pri uvozu ribiških proizvodov
Evropska komisija DG MARE nas je obvestila, da se pri uvozu ribiških proizvodov v Evropsko unijo sprejme ekvadorsko potrdilo o ulovu in izjavo predelovalnega obrata, ki imata digitalni podpis s strani pristojnega ekvadorskega organa, v skladu s členom 12/4 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1005/2008, z dne 29. septembra 2008 o vzpostavitvi sistema Skupnosti za preprečevanje nezakonitega, neprijavljenega in nereguliranega ribolova, za odvračanje od njega ter za njegovo odpravljanje.
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UPRS Sodba II U 317/2020-11
Tožnik je že v izjavi prerekal ugotovitve davčnega organa in navajal, da dolžnik in porok nista v nobeni medsebojni povezavi, ter da je z dejavnostjo nadaljeval z namenom preprečitve škode po prenehanju najemnega razmerja z dolžnikom. V predmetni izjavi tožnik resda ni podal nobenih konkretnih dokaznih predlogov, vendar pa sodišče, glede na dejstvo, da neposredna povezanost med davčnim dolžnikom in tožnikom ni izkazana, meni, da bi moral davčni organ v skladu z načelom materialne resnice, uzakonjenim v 5. členu ZDavP-2, izvesti ugotovitveni dokazni postopek.
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