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CELEX:62019TJ0868: Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) of 29 March 2023 (Extracts).#Nouryon Industrial Chemicals BV and Others v European Commission.#REACH – Evaluation of registration dossiers and compliance check of information provided by registrants – Request for further studies for the purposes of the registration dossier for dimethyl ether – Pre-natal developmental toxicity study – Extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study – Dose-range finding study – Article 51(7) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 – Animal testing – Article 25 of Regulation No 1907/2006 – Manifest error of assessment – Proportionality.#Case T-868/19.
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CELEX:62021TJ0142: Judgment of the General Court (Tenth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 29 March 2023 (Extracts).#Wizz Air Hungary Légiközlekedési Zrt. (Wizz Air Hungary Zrt.) v European Commission.#State aid – Romanian air transport market – Aid granted by Romania to Blue Air in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic – Blue Air rescue aid – Loan guaranteed by the Romanian State – Decision not to raise any objections – Action for annulment – Aid intended to make good the damage caused by an exceptional occurrence – Article 107(2)(b) TFEU – Assessment of the damage – Causal link – Beneficiary’s pre-existing difficulties – Taking avoidable costs into account – Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring non-financial undertakings in difficulty – Article 107(3)(c) TFEU – Contribution of the aid to an objective of common interest – ‘One time, last time’ condition for rescue aid – Principle of non-discrimination – Freedom to provide services – Freedom of establishment – Obligation to state reasons.#Case T-142/21.
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UPRS Sodba I U 1877/2019-16
Ob upoštevanju navedenih predpisov sodišče soglaša s stališčem upravnih organov obeh stopenj, da sporna svetlobna vitrina predstavlja objekt za oglaševanje, in se ne strinja s tožnikom, da so objekti za obveščanje in oglaševanje le taksativno našteti samostojni objekti, med katere sporna svetlobna vitrina ne spada. Po obeh predpisih (ZJC in ZCes-1) so objekti za obveščanje in oglaševanje namreč opredeljeni splošno ter našteti primeroma, kar opredeljuje besedilo “in druge objekte ali naprave za slikovno ali zvočno obveščanje in oglaševanje” oziroma “in druge nepremične in premične nosilce, namenjene za namestitev obvestilnih in oglasnih sporočil”. Med njih pa po mnenju sodišča tako po ZJC kot po ZCes-1 brez dvoma spada tudi sporna svetlobna vitrina, ki predstavlja tipičen primer objekta za obveščanje in oglaševanje.
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