Prikaz vseh zadetkov portala ZDSS.....

CELEX:62022CB0250: Case C-250/22, Fallimento Villa di Campo: Order of the Court of Justice (Ninth Chamber) of 21 December 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Corte suprema di cassazione — Italy) — Fallimento Villa di Campo Srl v Agenzia delle Entrate (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice — Requirement to indicate the relationship between the provisions of EU law in respect of which interpretation is sought and the national legislation applicable to the dispute in the main proceedings — Failure to supply sufficient information — Manifestly inadmissible)
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CELEX:62021CB0669: Case C-669/21, Gencoal: Order of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 14 November 2022 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Judicial da Comarca do Porto — Juízo Central Cível da Póvoa de Varzim — Portugal) — Gencoal S.A. v Conceito Norte — Consultadoria de Gestão, Lda., BT (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Article 53(2) and Article 94 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice — Requirement to present the factual and regulatory context of the main proceedings and the reasons justifying the need for an answer to the question referred for a preliminary ruling — Absence of sufficient information — Manifest inadmissibility)
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CELEX:62021TA0354: Case T-354/21: Judgment of the General Court of 1 February 2023 — ClientEarth v Commission (Access to documents — Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 — Control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy — Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 — Documents concerning the implementation of fisheries control in Denmark and France — Partial refusal of access — Exception relating to the protection of the purpose of inspections, investigations and audits — General presumption of confidentiality — Overriding public interest — Aarhus Convention — Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006)
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CELEX:62020TA0164: Case T-164/20: Judgment of the General Court of 1 February 2023 — BG v Parliament (Civil service — Accredited parliamentary assistants — Psychological harassment — Article 12a of the Staff Regulations — Request for assistance — Refusal of the request — Article 24 of the Staff Regulations — Advisory Committee dealing with harassment complaints between Accredited Parliamentary Assistants and Members of the Parliament and its prevention at the workplace — Right to be heard — Refusal to disclose the report of the Advisory Committee — Liability — Non-material harm)
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