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CELEX:62019CJ0869: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 17 May 2022.#L v Unicaja Banco SA ,anciennement Banco de Caja España de Inversiones, Salamanca y Soria, S.A.U.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Principle of equivalence – Principle of effectiveness – Mortgage agreement – Unfairness of the ‘floor clause’ in the agreement – National rules concerning the judicial appeal procedure – Limitation of the temporal effects of the declaration that an unfair term is void – Restitution – Power of review by the national appeal court of its own motion.#Case C-869/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0725: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 17 May 2022.#IO v Impuls Leasing România IFN SA.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Principle of equivalence – Principle of effectiveness – Enforcement proceedings in respect of a leasing contract constituting an enforceable instrument – Objection to enforcement – National legislation not allowing the court hearing that objection to determine whether the terms of an enforceable instrument are unfair – Power of the court hearing the enforcement proceedings to examine of its own motion whether a term is unfair – Existence of an action under ordinary law allowing the review of whether those terms were unfair – Requirement of a security in order to suspend the enforcement proceedings.#Case C-725/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0693: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 17 May 2022.#SPV Project 1503 Srl and Dobank SpA v YB.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Principle of equivalence – Principle of effectiveness – Payment order and attachment proceedings against third parties – Force of res judicata implicitly covering the validity of the terms of an enforceable instrument – Power of the court hearing the enforcement proceedings to examine of its own motion the potential unfairness of a term.#Case C-693/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0600: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 17 May 2022.#MA v Ibercaja Banco, SA.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Principle of equivalence – Principle of effectiveness – Mortgage enforcement proceedings – Unfairness of the term setting the nominal rate for default interest, and of the advanced repayment term in the loan agreement – Force of res judicata and time-barring – Loss of the possibility of relying on the unfairness of a contractual term before a court – Power of review by the national court of its own motion.#Case C-600/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0693:           Arrêt de la Cour (grande chambre) du 17 mai 2022.#SPV Project 1503 Srl et Dobank SpA contre YB.#Renvoi préjudiciel – Directive 93/13/CEE – Clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs – Principe d’équivalence – Principe d’effectivité – Procédures d’injonction de payer et de saisie-arrêt auprès des tiers – Autorité de la chose jugée couvrant implicitement la validité des clauses du titre exécutoire – Pouvoir du juge de l’exécution d’examiner d’office le caractère éventuellement abusif d’une clause.#Affaire C-693/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0725:           Arrêt de la Cour (grande chambre) du 17 mai 2022.#IO contre Impuls Leasing România IFN SA.#Renvoi préjudiciel – Directive 93/13/CEE – Clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs – Principe d’équivalence – Principe d’effectivité – Procédure d’exécution forcée d’un contrat de crédit-bail ayant la qualité de titre exécutoire – Opposition à l’exécution – Réglementation nationale ne permettant pas au juge saisi de cette opposition de vérifier le caractère abusif des clauses d’un titre exécutoire – Pouvoir du juge de l’exécution d’examiner d’office le caractère éventuellement abusif d’une clause – Existence d’un recours de droit commun permettant le contrôle du caractère abusif desdites clauses – Exigence d’une caution pour suspendre la procédure d’exécution.#Affaire C-725/19.
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UPRS Sodba I U 1675/2019-12
Tožnik s tožbo po presoji sodišča utemeljeno opozarja, na neustrezno dokazno oceno drugostopenjskega davčnega organa v zvezi z računom z dne 20. 6. 2018. Tožnik ta račun kot dokaz predloži tudi sodišču in na njem je zapisano, da je bila po ceni 0,00 EUR tožniku fakturirana ena ura mehaničnega dela na vozilu Ford Ranger, št. šasije …, na računu pa je tudi pripis „montaža piskača“. Sodišče ugotavlja, da je šasijska številka pri tem ista, kot številka vozila, v zvezi s katerim je tožnik uveljavljal pravico do odbitka, pripis o montaži piskača pa je skladen s tožnikovimi trditvami o vgradnji naprave za zvočni opozorilni signal. Vendar pa (drugostopenjski) davčni organ v zvezi s tem predloženim računom (ki je v upravnem spisu predložen z enako vsebino, kot je bil predložen v sodni spis) zaključi le, da ta račun ne dokazuje vgradnje zadevne naprave. Pri tem pa je po presoji sodišča izostala obrazložena dokazna ocena, zakaj davčni organ napravi takšen…
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UPRS Sodba I U 1768/2020-9
Toženka se v obrazložitvi svoje odločitve izrecno sklicuje zgolj na določbo 99. člena ZDoh-2, in sicer, da se za vrednost kapitala ob odsvojitvi šteje v prodajni ali drugi pogodbi navedena vrednost kapitala ob odsvojitvi, pri čemer pa tožniku ni omogočila, da bi se v postopku z ugotovitvami glede vrednosti kapitala ob odsvojitvi seznanil in da bi se o njih izjavil pred izdajo odločbe. Zato je kršena tožnikova pravica do izjave v postopku ter s tem tudi pravica do učinkovitega pravnega varstva (22. člen Ustave RS).
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