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CELEX:62019CJ0882: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 6 October 2021.#Sumal, S.L. v Mercedes Benz Trucks España, S.L.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Competition – Compensation for harm caused by a practice prohibited under Article 101(1) TFEU – Determination of the undertakings liable to provide compensation – Action for compensation directed against the subsidiary of a parent company and brought following a decision finding only that the parent company participated in a cartel – Concept of an ‘undertaking’ – Concept of ‘economic unit’.#Case C-882/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0668: This document does not exist in English.          Arrêt de la Cour (sixième chambre) du 6 octobre 2021.#Commission européenne contre République italienne.#Manquement d’État – Article 258 TFUE – Directive 91/271/CEE – Collecte et traitement des eaux urbaines résiduaires – Articles 3 à 5 et 10 – Absence de systèmes de collecte des eaux urbaines dans certaines agglomérations – Absence de traitement secondaire ou de traitement équivalent des eaux urbaines résiduaires dans certaines agglomérations – Construction et exploitation des stations d’épuration – Contrôle des rejets provenant de telles stations – Zones sensibles – Traitement plus rigoureux des eaux résiduaires.#Affaire C-668/19.
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CELEX:62019CJ0561: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 6 October 2021.#Consorzio Italian Management and Catania Multiservizi SpA v Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 267 TFEU – Scope of the obligation on national courts or tribunals of last instance to make a reference for a preliminary ruling – Exceptions to that obligation – Criteria – Question on the interpretation of EU law raised by the parties to the national proceedings after the Court has given a preliminary ruling in those proceedings – Failure to state the reasons justifying the need for an answer to the questions referred for a preliminary ruling – Partial inadmissibility of the request for a preliminary ruling.#Case C-561/19.
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