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CELEX:62019CJ0177: Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber) of 13 January 2022.#Federal Republic of Germany and Others v Ville de Paris and Others.#Appeal – Action for annulment – Environment – Type approval of motor vehicles – Regulation (EU) 2016/646 – Emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 6) – Setting of the not-to-exceed (NTE) values for emissions of oxides of nitrogen during the real driving emission (RDE) tests – Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU – Admissibility of an action – Infra-State entity with powers in the field of environmental protection to limit the circulation of certain vehicles – Condition that the applicant must be directly concerned.#Joined Cases C-177/19 P to C-179/19 P.
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CELEX:62020CJ0156: Judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 13 January 2022.#Zipvit Ltd v The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Common system of value added tax (VAT) – Directive 2006/112/EC – Article 168 – Right of deduction – Supply of postal services mistakenly exempted – VAT deemed to be included in the commercial price of the supply for the purpose of exercising the right of deduction – Not included – Concept of VAT ‘due or paid’.#Case C-156/20.
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CELEX:62020CJ0514: Judgment of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 13 January 2022.#DS v Koch Personaldienstleistungen GmbH.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Social policy – Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – Article 31(2) – Directive 2003/88/EC – Organisation of working time – Article 7 – Annual leave – Working time – Overtime – Calculation of working time on a monthly basis – No overtime pay when taking annual leave.#Case C-514/20.
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UPRS Sodba I U 248/2020-8
Lastnika vrednostnih papirjev, ki ima odprt trgovalni račun pri tožnici in je z njo v pogodbenem razmerju, je nedvomno šteti za potrošnika po ZVPot, saj ima v razmerju do tožnice že a prima facie šibkejši položaj na trgu. Glede na povedano je prvostopni organ imel podlago, da je po ugotovitvi, da zaračunavanje nadomestila za prenos finančnih instrumentov imetnika iz računa pri tožnici na račun istega imetnika pri drugem članu KDD, predstavlja nepošten pogodbeni pogoj, tožnici prepovedal sklepanje pogodb (o borznem posredovanju in vodenju računov nematerializiranih vrednostnih papirjev) do odprave ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti.
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UPRS Sodba I U 586/2019-46
Tožnik s sklicevanjem na drugi odstavek 17. člena ZDR-1, po kateri mora delodajalec delavcu izročiti pisni predlog pogodbe o zaposlitvi praviloma tri dni pred sklenitvijo, pisno pogodbo pa ob njeni sklenitvi, ne more biti uspešen. Iz te določbe namreč ne izhaja, da lahko delodajalec delavcu omogoči delo brez sklenjene pogodbe o zaposlitvi. Zavezuje ga le, da delavca pred sklenitvijo pogodbe pisno seznani z njeno vsebino. Določba prve alineje prvega odstavka 5. člena ZPDZC-1 pa prepoveduje prav omogočanje dela pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o zaposlitvi.
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CELEX:62021TB0077: Case T-77/21: Order of the General Court of 11 November 2021 — QC v Commission (Civil service — Officials — Pension — Transfer of national pension rights — Decision establishing the number of pensionable years of service — Circumscribed powers — Action for annulment and for damages — Action manifestly lacking any foundation in law — No action brought for failure to fulfil obligations — Inadmissibility — Request for directions to be issued — Clear lack of jurisdiction)
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