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CELEX:62021CJ0278: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 10 November 2022.#Dansk Akvakultur agissant pour AquaPri A/S v Miljø- og Fødevareklagenævnet.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Østre Landsret.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Environment – Directive 92/43/EEC – Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora – Article 6(3) – Assessment of a project likely to affect a protected site – Obligation to conduct an assessment – Continuation of the economic activity of an operation already authorised at the planning stage, under unchanged conditions, where authorisation has been granted following an incomplete assessment.#Case C-278/21.
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CELEX:62021CJ0414: Judgment of the Court (Ninth Chamber) of 10 November 2022.#VP CAPITAL NV v Belgische Staat.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hof van Cassatie.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Freedom of establishment – Article 49 and 54 TFEU – Transfer of a company’s registered office to a Member State other than that in which it was incorporated – Recovery of write-downs recorded prior to the transfer – Exemption – Comparability of situations.#Case C-414/21.
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CELEX:62021TA0686: Case T-686/21: Judgment of the General Court of 14 September 2022 — Task Food v EUIPO — Foodtastic (ENERGY CAKE) (EU trade mark — Invalidity proceedings — EU word mark ENERGY CAKE — Declaration of invalidity — Absolute grounds for invalidity — Descriptive character — Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 (now Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001) — Lack of distinctive character — Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation No 207/2009 (now Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation 2017/2011))
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CELEX:62021TA0609: Case T-609/21: Judgment of the General Court of 14 September 2022 — Privatbrauerei Eichbaum v EUIPO — Anchor Brewing Company (STEAM) (EU trade mark — Revocation proceedings — EU word mark STEAM — Genuine use of the mark — Nature of use — Article 18(1), second subparagraph, heading (a), and Article 58(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001 — Obligation to state reasons — Right to be heard — Article 94(1) of Regulation 2017/1001)
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