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CELEX:62019CA0845: Joined Cases C-845/19 and C-863/19: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 21 October 2021 (requests for a preliminary ruling from the Apelativen sad — Varna — Bulgaria) — Criminal proceedings against DR (C-845/19), TS (C-863/19) (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in criminal matters — Directive 2014/42/EU — Freezing and confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of crime in the European Union — Scope — Confiscation of illegally obtained assets — Economic benefit derived from a criminal offence which has not been the subject of a conviction — Article 4 — Confiscation — Article 5 — Extended confiscation — Article 6 — Confiscation from a third party — Conditions — Confiscation of money allegedly belonging to a third party — Third party having no right to appear as a party in the confiscation proceedings — Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union)
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CELEX:62020CO0670: Order of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 6 December 2021.#EP and Others v ERSTE Bank Hungary Zrt.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Consumer protection – Directive 93/13/EEC – Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Loan agreement denominated in a foreign currency – Terms exposing the borrower to a foreign exchange risk – Article 4(2) – Requirements of intelligibility and transparency – Lack of effect of the declaration by the consumer under which he or she is fully aware of the potential risks arising from a loan denominated in a foreign currency – Contractual term that is in plain, intelligible language.#Case C-670/20.
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CELEX:62021CO0476:           Ordonnance de la Cour (chambre d’admission des pourvois) du 10 décembre 2021.#Rezon OOD contre Office de l’Union européenne pour la propriété intellectuelle (EUIPO).#Pourvoi – Marque de l’Union européenne – Admission des pourvois – Article 170 ter du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Demande ne démontrant pas l’importance d’une question pour l’unité, la cohérence ou le développement du droit de l’Union – Non-admission du pourvoi.#Affaire C-476/21 P.
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CELEX:62020CO0670:           Ordonnance de la Cour (sixième chambre) du 6 décembre 2021.#EP e.a. contre ERSTE Bank Hungary Zrt.#Renvoi préjudiciel – Article 99 du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Protection des consommateurs – Directive 93/13/CEE – Clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs – Contrat de prêt libellé en devise étrangère – Clauses exposant l’emprunteur à un risque de change – Article 4, paragraphe 2 – Exigences d’intelligibilité et de transparence – Absence d’incidence de la déclaration du consommateur selon laquelle celui-ci est pleinement conscient des risques potentiels découlant de la souscription d’un prêt libellé en devise étrangère – Rédaction claire et compréhensible d’une clause contractuelle.#Affaire C-670/20.
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CELEX:62020CJ0203: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 16 December 2021.#Criminal proceedings against AB and Others.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Judicial cooperation in criminal matters – European arrest warrant – Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union – Scope – Article 51 – Implementation of EU law – Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA – Jurisdiction of the Court – Reference made before the issue of a European arrest warrant – Admissibility – Principle ne bis in idem – Article 50 – Concepts of ‘acquittal’ and ‘conviction’ – Amnesty in the issuing Member State – Final decision discontinuing a criminal prosecution – Revocation of the amnesty – Setting-aside of the decision discontinuing the criminal prosecution – Resumption of proceedings – Need for a decision taken after a determination of the criminal liability of the person concerned – Directive 2012/13/EU – Right to information in criminal proceedings – Scope – Concept of ‘criminal proceedings’ – Legislative procedure for the adoption of a resolution relating to the revocation of an amnesty – Judicial procedure for review of the compliance of that resolution with the national Constitution.#Case C-203/20.
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CELEX:62020CJ0225:           Urteil des Gerichtshofs (Sechste Kammer) vom 16. Dezember 2021.#Euro Delta Danube Srl gegen Agenţia de Plăţi şi Intervenţie pentru Agricultură – Centrul Judeţean Tulcea.#Vorlage zur Vorabentscheidung – Landwirtschaft – Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik – Delegierte Verordnung (EU) Nr. 640/2014 – Flächenbezogene Beihilferegelung – Einheitliche Flächenzahlung – Förderkriterien – Konzessionsvertrag für landwirtschaftliche Flächen – Änderung der Nutzung der Flächen ohne Zustimmung des Konzessionsgebers – Nutzung von zur Fischzucht bestimmter Flächen zu landwirtschaftlichen Zwecken – Differenz zwischen der angemeldeten Fläche und der ermittelten Fläche – Übererklärung – Verwaltungssanktionen.#Rechtssache C-225/20.
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