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CELEX:62020CJ0203: Sodba Sodišča (tretji senat) z dne 16. decembra 2021.#Kazenski postopek zoper AB in druge.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Okresný súd Bratislava III.#Predhodno odločanje – Pravosodno sodelovanje v kazenskih zadevah – Evropski nalog za prijetje – Listina Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah – Področje uporabe – Člen 51 – Izvajanje prava Unije – Okvirni sklep 2002/584/PNZ – Pristojnost Sodišča – Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, vložen pred izdajo evropskega naloga za prijetje – Dopustnost – Načelo ne bis in idem – Člen 50 – Pojma ,oprostitev‘ in ,obsodba‘ – Amnestija v odreditveni državi članici – Pravnomočna odločba o ustavitvi kazenskega pregona – Razveljavitev amnestije – Razglasitev ničnosti odločbe o ustavitvi kazenskega pregona – Ponovni pregon – Nujnost odločbe, izdane po presoji kazenske odgovornosti zadevne osebe – Direktiva 2012/13/EU – Pravica do obveščenosti v kazenskem postopku – Področje uporabe – Pojem ,kazenski postopek‘ – Zakonodajni postopek za sprejetje resolucije o razveljavitvi amnestije – Sodni postopek za oceno skladnosti te resolucije z nacionalno ustavo.#Zadeva C-203/20.
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CELEX:62021CO0599: Order of the Court of 17 January 2022.#AM.VI. Srl and Quinam Limited, venant aux droits de Fashioneast Sàrl v European Union Intellectual Property Office.#Appeal – EU trade mark – Determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed – Article 170b of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Request failing to demonstrate that an issue is significant with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law – Refusal to allow the appeal to proceed.#Case C-599/21 P.
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CELEX:62020TB0454: Case T-454/20: Order of the General Court of 22 November 2021 — Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia v Commission (Action for annulment — Common commercial policy — Generalised arrangement of preferential customs tariffs established by Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 — Temporary withdrawal of trade preferences applicable to certain products originating in Cambodia for reason of serious and systematic violations of human rights — Lack of direct concern — Lack of individual concern — Inadmissibility)
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CELEX:62020TA0581: Case T-581/20: Judgment of the General Court of 24 November 2021 — YP v Commission (Civil service — Officials — Promotion — 2019 promotion exercise — Decision not to promote — Article 45 of the Staff Regulations — Comparison of merits — Use of languages in the context of duties performed by officials assigned to linguistic duties and by officials assigned to duties other than linguistic — Seniority in grade — Presumption of innocence — Article 9 of Annex IX to the Staff Regulations — Duty to state reasons — Compliance with a settlement agreement)
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CELEX:62020TA0467: Case T-467/20: Judgment of the General Court of 1 December 2021 — Inditex v EUIPO — Ffauf Italia (ZARA) (EU trade mark — Opposition proceedings — Application for EU word mark ZARA — Earlier international word mark LE DELIZIE ZARA and earlier national figurative mark ZARA — Proof of genuine use of the earlier marks — Article 42(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 (now Article 47(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1001) — Relative ground for refusal — Likelihood of confusion — Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation No 207/2009 (now Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation 2017/1001))
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CELEX:62020TA0433: Case T-433/20: Judgment of the General Court of 1 December 2021 — KY v Court of Justice of the European Union (Civil service — Officials — Pensions — Pension rights acquired before entry into the service of the EU — Transfer to the EU scheme — Crediting of additional pensionable years — Restitution of the amount of pension rights not taken into account in the EU’s pension annuity scheme — Article 11(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations — The ‘minimum subsistence figure’ rule — Unjust enrichment)
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CELEX:62019TA0259: Case T-259/19: Judgment of the General Court of 24 November 2021 — Aman Dimashq v Council (Common foreign and security policy — Restrictive measures against Syria — Freezing of funds — Error of assessment — Proportionality — Right to property — Right to pursue an economic activity — Misuse of powers — Obligation to state reasons — Rights of the defence — Right to a fair trial — Right to effective judicial protection)
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