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CELEX:62019CA0884: Joined Cases C-884/19 P and C-888/19 P: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 2 December 2021 — European Commission v Xinyi PV Products (Anhui) Holdings Ltd, GMB Glasmanufaktur Brandenburg GmbH (C-884/19 P), GMB Glasmanufaktur Brandenburg GmbH v Xinyi PV Products (Anhui) Holdings Ltd, European Commission (C-888/19 P) (Appeal — Dumping — Imports of solar glass originating in China — Regulation (EC) No 1225/2009 — Article 2(7)(b) and (c) — ‘Undertaking operating under market economy conditions’ status — Denied — Concept of ‘significant distortions carried over from the former non-market economy system’, within the meaning of the third indent of Article 2(7)(c) — Tax incentives)
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CELEX:62019CA0833: Case C-833/19 P: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 November 2021 — Council of the European Union v Hamas (Appeal — Common foreign and security policy — Fight against terrorism — Restrictive measures against certain persons and entities — Freezing of funds — Common Position 2001/931/CFSP — Regulation (EC) No 2580/2001 — Continued inclusion of an organisation on the list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts — Statement of individual reasons notified to the organisation set out in a separate document from that containing a general statement of reasons — Authentication of the statement of individual reasons — Article 297(2) TFEU)
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CELEX:62019CA0564: Case C-564/19: Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 23 November 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság — Hungary) — Criminal proceedings against IS (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in criminal matters — Directive 2010/64/EU — Article 5 — Quality of the interpretation and translation — Directive 2012/13/EU — Right to information in criminal proceedings — Article 4(5) and Article 6(1) — Right to information about the accusation — Right to interpretation and translation — Directive 2016/343/EU — Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial — Article 48(2) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Article 267 TFEU — Second subparagraph of Article 19(1) TEU — Admissibility — Appeal in the interests of the law against a decision ordering a reference for a preliminary ruling — Disciplinary proceedings — Power of the higher court to declare the request for a preliminary ruling unlawful)
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CELEX:62019CA0437: Case C-437/19: Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber) of 25 November 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour administrative — Luxembourg) — État luxembourgeois v L (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Administrative cooperation in the field of taxation — Directive 2011/16/EU — Article 1(1), Article 5 and Article 20(2) — Request for information — Decision ordering that information be provided — Refusal to comply with the order — Penalty — ‘Foreseeable relevance’ of the requested information — Absence of identification of the taxpayers concerned individually and by name — Concept of ‘identity of the person under examination or investigation’ — Statement of reasons of the request for information — Scope — Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — Article 47 — Right to an effective remedy against the decision ordering that information be provided — Article 52(1) — Limitation — Respect for the essence of the right)
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CELEX:62020CJ0179: Sodba Sodišča (peti senat) z dne 27. januarja 2022.#Fondul Proprietatea SA proti Guvernul României in drugi.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Curtea de Apel Bucureşti.#Predhodno odločanje – Notranji trg električne energije – Direktiva 2009/72/ES – Člen 15(4) – Prednostno razporejanje – Zanesljiva oskrba – Člen 32(1) – Prosti dostop tretjih oseb – Zajamčeni dostop do prenosnih omrežij – Direktiva 2009/28/ES – Člen 16(2) – Zajamčeni dostop – Člen 107(1) PDEU – Člen 108(3) PDEU – Državne pomoči.#Zadeva C-179/20.
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