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CELEX:62020CO0454:           Ordonnance de la Cour (sixième chambre) du 23 mars 2022.#Procédure pénale contre AZ.#Renvoi préjudiciel – Article 53, paragraphe 2, du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Transports – Directive 1999/37/CE – Documents d’immatriculation des véhicules – Directive 2014/45/UE – Contrôle technique périodique des véhicules à moteur – Article 49 de la charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne – – Principes de légalité et de proportionnalité des délits et des peines – Conduite d’un véhicule non dûment immatriculé – Sanctions – Absence de mise en œuvre du droit de l’Union – Incompétence manifeste de la Cour.#Affaire C-454/20.
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CELEX:62017TJ0324: Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 30 March 2022.#SAS Cargo Group A/S and Others v European Commission.#Competition – Agreements, decisions and concerted practices – Market for airfreight – Decision finding an infringement of Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Air Transport – Coordination of elements of the price of airfreight services (fuel surcharge, security surcharge, payment of commission on surcharges) – Exchange of information – Territorial jurisdiction of the Commission – Rights of the defence – Equality of arms – Article 266 TFEU – State coercion – Single and continuous infringement – Amount of the fine – Value of sales – Gravity of the infringement – Duration of participation in the infringement – Mitigating circumstances – Substantially limited involvement – Aggravating circumstances – Repeated infringement – Unlimited jurisdiction.#Case T-324/17.
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CELEX:62017TJ0340: Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 30 March 2022.#Japan Airlines Co. Ltd v European Commission.#Competition – Agreements, decisions and concerted practices – Market for airfreight – Decision finding an infringement of Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Air Transport – Coordination of elements of the price of airfreight services (fuel surcharge, security surcharge, payment of commission on surcharges) – Exchange of information – Territorial jurisdiction of the Commission – Article 266 TFEU – Limitation period – Rights of the defence – Non-discrimination – Single and continuous infringement – Amount of the fine – Value of sales – Gravity of the infringement – Additional amount – Mitigating circumstances – Encouragement of the anticompetitive conduct by public authorities – Substantially limited involvement – Proportionality – Unlimited jurisdiction.#Case T-340/17.
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CELEX:62020CJ0711:           Urteil des Gerichtshofs (Zehnte Kammer) vom 24. März 2022.#TanQuid Polska Sp. z o. o. gegen Generální ředitelství cel.#Vorlage zur Vorabentscheidung – Verbrauchsteuer – Richtlinie 92/12/EG – Art. 4 – Beförderung verbrauchsteuerpflichtiger Waren unter Steueraussetzung – Voraussetzungen – Art. 6 und 20 – Überführung in den steuerrechtlich freien Verkehr von Waren – Fälschung des Begleitdokuments – Zuwiderhandlung oder Unregelmäßigkeit bei der Beförderung verbrauchsteuerpflichtiger Waren in einem Verfahren der Steueraussetzung – Unrechtmäßige Entnahme von Waren aus dem Verfahren der Steueraussetzung – Empfänger, der keine Kenntnis von der Beförderung hat – Betrug durch Dritte – Art. 13 Buchst. a und Art. 15 Abs. 3 – Sicherheit in Bezug auf die Beförderung – Umfang.#Rechtssache C-711/20.
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CELEX:62017TJ0341: Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber, Extended Composition) of 30 March 2022 (Extracts).#British Airways plc v European Commission.#Competition – Agreements, decisions and concerted practices – Market for airfreight – Decision finding an infringement of Article 101 TFEU, Article 53 of the EEA Agreement and Article 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on Air Transport – Coordination of elements of the price of air freight services (fuel surcharge, security surcharge, payment of commission on surcharges) – Exchange of information – Territorial jurisdiction of the Commission – Obligation to state reasons – Article 266 TFEU – State coercion – Single and continuous infringement – Amount of the fine – Value of sales – Duration of participation in the infringement – Mitigating circumstances – Encouragement of anticompetitive conduct by public authorities – Unlimited jurisdiction.#Case T-341/17.
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CELEX:62017TJ0337:           Arrêt du Tribunal (quatrième chambre élargie) du 30 mars 2022 (Extraits).#Air France-KLM contre Commission européenne.#Concurrence – Ententes – Marché du fret aérien – Décision constatant une infraction à l’article 101 TFUE, à l’article 53 de l’accord EEE et à l’article 8 de l’accord entre la Communauté et la Suisse sur le transport aérien – Coordination d’éléments du prix des services de fret aérien (surtaxe carburant, surtaxe sécurité, paiement d’une commission sur les surtaxes) – Échange d’informations – Compétence territoriale de la Commission – Infraction unique et continue – Imputabilité du comportement infractionnel – Conditions de l’octroi du bénéfice de l’immunité – Égalité de traitement – Obligation de motivation – Montant de l’amende – Valeur des ventes – Gravité de l’infraction – Durée de la participation à l’infraction – Circonstances atténuantes – Encouragement du comportement anticoncurrentiel par les autorités publiques – Proportionnalité – Compétence de pleine juridiction.#Affaire T-337/17.
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