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CELEX:62021CO0307: Order of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 27 September 2022.#AB and Others v Ryanair DAC.#Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Kleve.#Reference for a preliminary ruling – Article 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Air transport – Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 – Common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of cancellation or long delay of flights – Article 5(1)(c) – Right to compensation if flight is cancelled – Contract for carriage concluded through an online travel agent – Information on the cancellation of the flight communicated by means of an email address automatically generated by the travel agent – Failure to ensure that the passenger was properly informed.#Case C-307/21.
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CELEX:62020TJ0761: Judgment of the General Court (Tenth Chamber) of 5 October 2022 (Extracts).#European Dynamics Luxembourg SA v European Central Bank.#Public procurement – Tendering procedure – Exclusion from the procurement procedure – Abnormally low offer – Attempts to unduly influence the decision-making process – Failure to observe the rules on communication – Proportionality – Obligation to state reasons – Misuse of powers – Non-contractual liability.#Case T-761/20.
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CELEX:62022CO0342: Order of the Court of 28 September 2022.#Laboratorios Ern, SA v European Union Intellectual Property Office.#Appeal – EU trade mark – Determination as to whether appeals should be allowed to proceed – Article 170b of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice – Request failing to demonstrate that an issue is significant with respect to the unity, consistency or development of EU law – Appeal not allowed to proceed.#Case C-342/22 P.
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CELEX:62022CO0320:           Ordonnance de la Cour (chambre d’admission des pourvois) du 28 septembre 2022.#the airscreen company GmbH & Co. KG contre Office de l’Union européenne pour la propriété intellectuelle (EUIPO).#Pourvoi – Marque de l’Union européenne – Admission des pourvois – Article 170 ter du règlement de procédure de la Cour – Demande ne démontrant pas l’importance d’une question pour l’unité, la cohérence ou le développement du droit de l’Union – Non-admission du pourvoi.#Affaire C-320/22 P.
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CELEX:62021CJ0168: Sodba Sodišča (tretji senat) z dne 14. julija 2022.#KL.#Predlog za sprejetje predhodne odločbe, ki ga je vložilo Cour de cassation (Francija).#Predhodno odločanje – Pravosodno sodelovanje v kazenskih zadevah – Okvirni sklep 2002/584/PNZ – Člen 2(4) – Pogoj dvojne kaznivosti dejanja – Člen 4, točka 1 – Razlog za fakultativno neizvršitev evropskega naloga za prijetje – Preverjanje, ki ga opravi izvršitveni pravosodni organ – Dejanja, ki po pravu izvršitvene države članice deloma pomenijo kaznivo dejanje – Člen 49(3) Listine Evropske unije o temeljnih pravicah – Načelo sorazmernosti kaznivih dejanj in kazni.#Zadeva C-168/21.
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