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CELEX:62020CA0708: Case C-708/20: Judgment of the Court (Eighth Chamber) of 9 December 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the County Court at Birkenhead — United Kingdom) — BT v Seguros Catalana Occidente, EB (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Cooperation in civil and commercial matters — Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 — Jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement in civil and commercial matters — Jurisdiction in insurance matters — Claim for compensation for damage suffered by an individual domiciled in a Member State following an accident in rented accommodation in another Member State — Action brought by the injured person against, first, the insurer and, secondly, against the insured owner of that accommodation — Applicability of Article 13(3) of that regulation)
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CELEX:62020CA0374: Case C-374/20 P: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 9 December 2021 — Agrochem-Maks d.o.o. v European Commission, Kingdom of Sweden (Appeal — Plant protection products — Active substance — Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 — Article 6(f) — Annex II, point 2.2 — Definition of ‘further confirmatory information’ — Implementing Regulation (EU) No 844/2012 — Article 13(3) — Non-renewal of approval of the active substance ‘oxasulfuron’ for its placing on the market — Scope of the rapporteur Member State’s decision to declare the application for renewal to be admissible — Right of that Member State and of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to require the applicant to provide further information — Right of the rapporteur Member State to amend its draft renewal assessment report — Precautionary principle)
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CELEX:62020CA0370: Case C-370/20: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 9 December 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof — Germany) — Pro Rauchfrei eV v JS e.K. (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products — Directive 2014/40/EU — Labelling and packaging — Article 8(8) — Health warnings which must appear on each unit packet of a tobacco product and any outside packaging — Automatic vending machine for cigarette packets — Health warnings not visible from the outside — Representation of unit packets — Concept of ‘images’ of unit packets and any outside packaging targeting consumers in the European Union)
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CELEX:62020CA0242: Case C-242/20: Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber) of 9 December 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Visoki trgovački sud Republike Hrvatske — Croatia) — HRVATSKE ŠUME d.o.o., Zagreb, successor in title to HRVATSKE ŠUME javno poduzeće za gospodarenje šumama i šumskim zemljištima u Republici Hrvatskoj p.o., Zagreb v BP Europa SE, successor in title to Deutsche BP AG, in turn successor in title to The Burmah Oil (Deutschland) GmbH (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Judicial cooperation in civil matters — Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 — Article 5(3) — Concept of ‘matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict’ — Judicial enforcement proceedings — Action for recovery of sums unduly paid based on unjust enrichment — Article 22(5) — Enforcement of judgments — Exclusive jurisdiction)
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CELEX:62020CA0217: Case C-217/20: Judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 9 December 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Overijssel — Netherlands) — XXXX v Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Directive 2003/88/EC — Organisation of working time — Protection of the health and safety of workers — Article 7(1) — Right to paid annual leave — Level of remuneration — Reduced remuneration due to incapacity for work)
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CELEX:62020CA0154: Case C-154/20: Judgment of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 9 December 2021 (request for a preliminary ruling from the Nejvyšší správní soud — Czech Republic) — Kemwater ProChemie s. r. o. v Odvolací finanční ředitelství (Reference for a preliminary ruling — Taxation — Value added tax (VAT) — Directive 2006/112/EC — Article 168 — Right to deduct input tax — Material conditions governing the right of deduction — Supplier’s status as taxable person — Burden of proof — Refusal of the right of deduction where the true supplier has not been identified — Conditions)
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