Prikaz vseh zadetkov portala ZDSS.....

CELEX:62019TA0344: Joined Cases T-344/19 and T-356/19: Judgment of the General Court of 29 September 2021 — Front Polisario v Council (External relations — International agreements — Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement EC-Morocco — Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco — Implementation Protocol to the Partnership Agreement — Exchange of Letters accompanying the Partnership Agreement — Decision to conclude — Regulation on the allocation of fishing opportunities between Member States — Action for annulment — Admissibility — Capacity to be a party to legal proceedings — Direct concern — Individual concern — Territorial scope — Jurisdiction — Interpretation of international law adopted by the Court — Principle of self-determination — Principle of the relative effect of treaties — Possibility of relying thereon — Concept of consent — Implementation — Discretion — Limits — Maintaining the effects of the contested decision)
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CELEX:62019TA0279: Case T-279/19: Judgment of the General Court of 29 September 2021 — Front Polisario v Council (External relations — International agreements — Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement EC-Morocco — Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters on the amendment of Protocols 1 and 4 to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement — Decision approving the conclusion of the agreement — Action for annulment — Admissibility — Capacity to be a party to legal proceedings — Direct concern — Individual concern — Territorial scope — Jurisdiction — Interpretation of international law adopted by the Court — Principle of self-determination — Principle of the relative effect of treaties — Possibility of relying thereon — Concept of consent — Implementation — Discretion — Limits — Maintaining the effects of the contested decision)
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CELEX:62018TA0655: Case T-655/18: Judgment of the General Court of 13 October 2021 — Aupicon and Others v EEAS (Civil service — Officials — Members of the temporary staff — Members of the contract staff — Remuneration — EEAS staff posted to a third country — Article 10 of Annex X to the Staff Regulations — Annual assessment of the allowance for living conditions — ‘Guidelines establishing the methodology to fix the living conditions allowances’ — Decision fixing the rate of the allowance for living conditions paid to staff posted to Ghana at 20 % — Failure to draw up the questionnaire required by the guidelines — Procedural irregularity — Manifest error of assessment)
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CELEX:62018TA0351: Joined Cases T-351/18 and T-584/18: Judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 — Ukrselhosprom PCF and Versobank v ECB (Economic and monetary policy — Prudential supervision of credit institutions — Specific supervisory tasks assigned to the ECB — Decision to withdraw a credit institution’s authorisation — Breach of legislation on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism — Admissibility — Powers of the national competent authorities (NCAs) of participating Member States and of the ECB under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) — Equal treatment — Proportionality — Protection of legitimate expectations — Legal certainty — Misuse of powers — Rights of the defence — Obligation to state reasons)
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CELEX:62017TA0827: Case T-827/17: Judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 — Aeris Invest v ECB (Access to documents — Decision 2004/258/EC — Documents related to the adoption of a resolution scheme in respect of Banco Popular Español — Partial refusal to grant access — Exception relating to the protection of the confidentiality of the proceedings of the ECB’s decision-making bodies — Document reflecting the outcome of the proceedings of the ECB’s decision-making bodies — Obligation to state reasons — Exception relating to the protection of the financial, monetary or economic policy of the European Union or of a Member State — Exception relating to the protection of the confidentiality of information that is protected as such under EU law — Concept of confidential information — General presumption of confidentiality — Exemptions from the obligation of professional secrecy — Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights)
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CELEX:62018TA0015: Case T-15/18: Judgment of the General Court of 6 October 2021 — OCU v ECB (Access to documents — Decision 2004/258/EC — Documents relating to the adoption of a resolution scheme in respect of Banco Popular Español — Refusal to grant access — Exception relating to the protection of the confidentiality of information that is protected as such under EU law — Concept of confidential information — Exemptions from the obligation of professional secrecy — Right to a fair hearing)
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