Dne 17.2.2022 smo v imenu članov Zbornice davčnih svetovalcev Slovenije podali poročilo o delovanju članov na področju preprečevanja pranja denarja.
Predsednik ZDSS je na sestanku povzel aktivnosti, ki jih ZDSS letno izvede v povezavi s tematiko – preprečevanje pranja denarja (izobraževanja in predlogi pravilnikov).
Predsednik ZDSS je izrazil pričakovanja, da OECD poda priporočila Republiki Sloveniji v smeri, da se vzpostavijo STANDARDI ZA DAVČNO SVETOVANJE, po vzoru Združenega Kraljestva, kar bi zagotovilo t.i. etično davčno svetovanje (in preprečevalo pranje denarja), tako v računovodstvih, davčnem svetovanju pri notarjih in odvetnikih.
V imenu ZDSS je predsednik ZDSS podal naslednjo izjavo:
First, I would like to greet my colleague DARKO KONČAN and I welcome him to emphasize the key task of a tax advisor – to protect the rights of taxpayers, especially the right to privacy.
I myself, like Ms ROSANA, believe that a tax adviser must protect confidentiality, following the example of lawyers.
I welcome the idea of it. ŠPELE, which highlighted the lack of accounting disorder.
Unfortunately, our country is not exemplary in this area. Of course, I am only talking about the activity of tax consulting.
The area of prevention of money laundering, from the point of view of the industry of tax advisors – is not regulated or. not regulated properly. Who is tax advisers in SLOVENIA? This remains an open question.
About 5,000 business entities are involved in accounting services and tax consulting, and only about 700 companies have standards for carrying out their activities. I am talking about companies merging into chambers for accountants and tax advisers.
Our chamber meets the requirements of the law in the field of prevention of money laundering. We have 17 documents that must be implemented by a member of the Chamber of Tax Advisers of Slovenia. We provide once a year mandatory seminars. Last year, an employee of the OFFICE FOR THE PREVENTION OF MONEY LAUNDERING lectured.
But the field, because ALSO unethical tax advisers and accountants also carry out the activity, is of course not regulated properly.
ZDSS proposed the introduction of STANDARDS OF GOOD PRACTICE (also for consultants and accountants working within their own company) based on examples from Great Britain (PCRT). The state does not want to regulate this. At the moment, the Tax Procedure Act is in the legislative process and the proposals of our Chamber are not in the text of the proposed amendments to the Act.
Our chamber also sent a proposal to amend the law on the prevention of money laundering, which would clearly define who is a tax advisor or. what is tax advice, but the proposal was not accepted.
That’s why I’m asking you all here? How to arrange the “field of activity” – to prevent the establishment of companies with VIRTUAL owners and that suspicious transactions are detected in the source?
Companies that know the most about potential suspicious transactions – are not regulated and consequently not under control. Anyone can file a tax return under condition:
- that the Pearson start the business and
- That Director oz. Entrepreneur is at least 18 years old.
Let me be a little provocative. Have we perhaps deliberately forgotten to guard the main gate?